The field of Haematology has enlarged enormously in the recent past. There is a paucity of PG degree and diplomas in Haematology and also the institutions with Haematology as speciality are inadequate. There is a need for creation of a central body, governing aspects of practice of Clinical Haematology and Laboratory Haematology (Haemato- pathology) and quality control programme, licensing and accreditation of laboratories, establishment of norms for laboratory technology, establishing standard protocol for diagnosis and management of Haematological diseases and facilitating research among the groups of this organization. In view of the above it is considered to establish an Indian College of Haematology under the banner of ISHBT.
*Any modification or addition of any clause or any point if required in the future can be done by the approval of the Academic Council of ICH.
The name of the college will be Indian College of Haematology (ICH).
The official address of ICH will be the same as the official address of Indian Society Of Haematology and Blood Transfusion
It shall wholly devote to the academic activities of promotion, practice and advancement in science of Clinical Haematology and Laboratory Haematology.
To identify and may facilitate to establish the sub-speciality of Clinical Haematology and Laboratory Haematology (Haemato-pathology) in the institutions for training, to lay down syllabi and to conduct examinations for the above.
To award Fellowships to Clinical haematologists and Haemato-pathologists (Fellow of Indian College of Haematology – F.I.C.H)
To act as a national advisory body to give suggestions to NMC & NBE and allied bodies in all academic and technical activities of postgraduate education in the subject of Clinical Haematology and Laboratory Haematology (Haemato-pathology.)
To promote Quality Control and External Quality Assurance programmes in Haemato- pathology and prepare the guidelines.
To promote good standard of training for medical laboratory technologists in the field ofHaemato-pathology.
To facilitate and co-ordinate in conducting of professional development by organizing workshops / Symposia/ CME’s in different parts of the country and neighbouring countries.
To promote training programmes in Clinical and Laboratory Haematology in different parts of the country and neighbouring countries.
To promote nationwide collaborative research and prepare databases for various haematological diseases.
To nominate one eminent Haematologist from India / abroad to deliver Oration at the Annual Haematocon conference. This Oration will be called as ICH Oration which will be delivered on the day of CME.
To formulate the different guidelines, study groups, consensus documents, recommendations and research groups.
Other academic activities as assigned by ISHBT (Indian Society of Haematology and Blood Transfusion)
Establishing standard protocol for the diagnosis and management of Haematological diseases.
To publish news bulletin / The Haematology Indica / other academic publications (other than IJBT)
The affairs of college shall be managed by an Academiccouncil of ICH.
Academic council of ICH shall hold its annual meeting alongwith annual meeting of ISHBT. In addition to this, the Academic council may meet once a year if required at a suitable place. Academic council of ICH will plan the CME program of annual meeting of ISHBT in consultation with scientific committee of Annual Conference of ISHBT and or any other academic activities / assigned by ISHBT.
The selected office bearers shall serve a term of maximum 3 years for a single tenure. All office bearers can seek re-election for another term of office. Any fellow to be eligible for the post of Dean, Assoc. Dean and Secretary will have to complete as office bearers for one tenure at least. The Dean after completion of his tenure will not be eligible to contest for any other posts. In case of any exigency, the academic council may nominate any fellow to function in the post of any office bearers till this post is filled up in due process.
All Academic council members shall be the fellows of ICH except the ex-officio members. It shall consist of following posts –
Hon. Dean (one) – Elected by fellows of ICH.
Hon. Associate Dean (one) – Elected by fellows of ICH.
Hon. Secretary (one) – Elected by fellows of ICH.
Hon. Joint Secretory (one) – Elected by fellow of ICH.
Hon. Treasurer (one) – Elected by fellows of ICH.
Ex-officio members – President, President Elect, Secretary of ISHBT.
Hon. Overseas Advisor (One) – To be nominated by the fellows
Zonal Council members (Six; one from each zone) (East, North East, North, South, Central and West Zone) – To be nominated by the fellows of ICH
The quorum of the meeting of the executive council shall be 50% of the Academic Council members. The meeting of the council shall discuss the agenda circulated by the office. If there is no quorum the meeting shall be adjourned and can be conducted after 30 minutes. No quorum is required for such adjourned meeting.